Bindi Rice

Remedial Massage Therapist

Available from Unley Clinic Mon – Thurs, Bindi brings an enthusiasm and passion for this industry that is unrivalled.

Somewhat of a muscle pain detective Bindi has an incredible ability to find the sore spots and work with loving hands to relieve the pain and stress sites.


Over 7 years experience in hands on Remedial massage,  Bindi is skilled (and passionately interested) in Visceral Manipulation and Craniosacral Therapy.  Both very gentle in approach  so you will be comfortable during your session.


CranioSacral Therapy

Visceral Manipulation

Functional Cupping

Hot stones (mobile, not stationary)

Remedial, sports and relaxation massage


Scar Tissue

Scalp and Jaw (intra oral)

Abdomen and Viscera


I am really interested in the human body’s ability to release itself, with gentle settling of the system, and the learning how our organs and their surrounding tissues affect the rest of our body.  I am working around the idea that a gentle release can be far more effective.


A qualified chef in the restaurant trade for many years, then cheesemaking for a long while, I needed a change of pace so started Remedial Massage.  Both industries are very tactile and hands on.  I still love to cook, so hit me up for recipes.

To make an appointment with Bindi, call 8357 3773 or BOOK ONLINE HERE.