Nat Murphy

Remedial Massage Therapist

You’ll find Nat in our Marryatville clinic (Tues – Fri)

Nat has all private health care provider numbers


With an abundance of hands on experience accompanied with sound interpersonal and life skills, Nat contributes all her learnings to date to determination and the willingness to adapt. Each individual is unique  – no two bodies are the same.



Diploma of Remedial Massage Therapy HLT52015, obtain with the highly reputable Australian Institute of Fitness

Provide First Aid HLTAID011

Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation HLTAID009



Nat delivers meticulous attention to detail, using her many palpation skills to identify and isolate muscular dysfunction.  Although a singular treatment is not a “quick fix”, Nat focuses on outcomes, striving to have you feeling the bodily improvements from your first session.


Trigger Point Therapy

Intra-Oral Jaw Tension Release

Hot Stones/Heat

Myofascial Release

Sports Massage

Pin and Stretch/Active Release Technique



Nat is a true believer in the continuation of learning

Myofascial Release

Neuromuscular Therapy

Headaches and Jaw Tension Release



Nat has a natural creative streak, blessed with artistic ability to paint and draw with ease. Also a self-confessed perfectionist.


To make an appointment with Nat BOOK ONLINE HERE. Or call 8357 3773

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